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Six Types Of Martial Art Self Defense Pressure Points 

The martial arts include the use of several different pressure points, all of which are designed to have a different impact on your opponent. Some of these pressure points are described below:

Pain - Some parts of the body contain a high concentration of nerve ending, thus making them more vulnerable to pain.

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Self-Defense Within Martial Arts Training Demands a Real-World Perspective

This story is being offered in response to a request made by my teacher, Soke (Grand Master) Masaaki Hatsumi, during a recent training visit to Japan. During one of the training sessions, Soke was suggesting that everyone, regardless of rank, should make it a point to talk to those with actual combat experience and to learn from these people. The point was, if you do not know what a real fight is like, you will not be able to train properly for an authentic situation.

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The Karate-Myth: Why Most Martial Arts and Self-Defense Programs Are Wrong  

You know, when I first started learning self-defense how to protect myself through the martial arts, I quickly noticed that the training was almost entirely focused on the memorization and performance of preset technique. What I mean is...

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Women's Self-Defense Against Men  

When looking at the increasing numbers of reports about violence against women, it is clear that women's self-defense against men is becoming an important issue in today's society. There are many products and techniques designed for women's self-defense against men, from mace guns to judo and assertiveness training. Unfortunately, these things are becoming increasingly necessary, and it is essential to stay informed of the most effective strategies for women's self-defense against men.

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"Daddy, I want to take Karate!" "Mommy, Jimmy on the bus hit me again today"

There are many reasons why parents want to sign their children up for Self Defense or Martial Arts classes. Once you have made the decision, now you are faced with many different options and questions. What style? How much does it cost? Is my child to young?

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